What Most People Don't Know About Being a Fashion Blogger

There are certain things people think they know about fashion bloggers: They get a lot of free stuff, they travel the world in style, and they are tantamount to social media goddesses. But in truth there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that most people don't know, and we set out to discover what exactly those things are.
We asked some of our favorite bloggers of the moment to dish on what it is about their careers and lives they wish more people knew about. Interestingly, many of them had similar responses, so it seems there are just a few things in particular bloggers want the rest of us to know.
Keep scrolling to find out what most people don’t know about being a blogger!
"People don't realize that travel (albeit fun and mind-broadening!) can be physically very trying," Vanessa Hong tells us. "Imagine being in a vacuum for eight hours three times a month and not having a firm grip of where you are!"
"A lot of preparation goes into the blog," Natalie Suarez says. "We always get a bit down and dirty. Scouting for locations or shooting in extreme weather (and not looking sweaty!) makes shooting for the blog a bit less glamorous than it seems. But we do everything we can for the perfect shot!"
“Maintaining your vision and voice for your blog is essential for success, and building relationships with the right brands is a huge part of this," Jenny Bernheim tells us. "One of the biggest challenges for me has been to know when to politely pass on an opportunity so that I remain authentic and genuine to myself and to my readers. A lot of people think that bloggers just receive free things all the time, but it’s actually a very curated and strategic alignment process, for both the brand and the blogger."
"People don't realize that blogging is a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week job," Kimberly Pesch tells us. "Oh, you're sick? Sorry, no sick days! I think bloggers who are doing a good job make it look effortless. It might just look like we are living that luxe, beautiful life, headed from a meeting to work cocktails to a glam event, but you better believe I am up until 3 a.m. answering emails, editing photos, and prepping projects. Work hard, play hard!"
"People don't realize how hard it is to build an authentic following for you blog, brand, and social media outlets," Grasie Mercedes says. "It takes years of consistent and quality content before you discover your true voice and gain followers who appreciate it. So while blogging is definitely a gig with lots of perks, it's also a huge time commitment, and the real perks take time to come into play!"
"People don't realize how much work goes into starting and maintaining a blog," Rachel Parcell tells us. "Between tackling an inbox, negotiating contracts, and being creative with the content you post, you truly have to be a dedicated businesswoman who can wear a variety of hats to stay focused and keep going."
"People don’t realize that you always have to be put together, even if you’re just stepping out to walk your dog!"
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"People don't realize that creating content is a 24-hour-a-day job," Taye Hansberry says. "Bloggers don't just snap a quick pic on their phones and post like that. Oftentimes it takes 25+ shots to get the right one, and then there is editing involved. People also don't realize that blogging is a business where more often than not the blogger is the CEO, the employee, the assistant, the photographer, the writer, the content creator, the negotiator, the banker, the everything. If we miss a deadline or an opportunity, there is no one to blame but us and no cushion to fall back on. We have to be everything and everywhere at all times, or we simply don't make a living."
"One thing people don't know about fashion blogging is just how much time and effort goes into being a blogger," Elaine Daneshrad says. "It's really an around-the-clock job that never ends. While it seems (and is!) fun heading to events, taking cute photos, and working with some of the best brands, creating constant content (whether for you blog or social platforms) takes more effort than social media shows."
"People don't understand how stressful all the social media can be," Geri Hirsch says. "YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope: It's endless and counting! And that doesn't include the blog itself. There are so many different platforms, and they each require different types of content and developed skillsets. It can be incredibly overwhelming."
What do you think about being a fashion blogger? Sound off below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.