17 Effective Products for Hair Growth, According to Editors Who've Tried Them

If you've landed on this story, you're probably wondering what the best hair growth products are that actually work. So often, drugstore shampoos, hair growth serums and supplements are thrust upon us via our FYPs and promise to sprout new strands, encourage fine hair to become thicker and deliver Rapunzel-like growth. If your TikTok FYP is anything like mine, you're probably inundated with rosemary oil treatments right now. But, do these products really work? As a sceptical beauty editor, I decided to find out which ones really deliver.

The thing is, there are many reasons why you might want to seek a hair growth product. It might be that you are experiencing hair loss in some form (which can be down to a whole number of reasons, from hormones to diet and well-being to medication), or, maybe you're after improved hair thickness and density. Or perhaps you would like to boost your hair's length after going for a chop—after all, bob hairstyles are just about everywhere right now. It could even be that you're looking for the best products to repair and restore breakage if your hair has been subjected to heated styling tools and chemical treatments.


(Image credit: @eleanorvousden for Who What Wear UK)

Since seeing a trichologist, my hair health and growth have improved.

Earlier this year, I started to notice that the hair around my temples was much fluffier and sparse than it had been. So, I went to see, Laura Fowles, a Philip Kingsley consultant trichologist and hair expert. And it was eye-opening (you can read about my trichology consultation here). After a blood test, I found out that I was deficient in both iron and vitamin D, which may well have been contributing to the changes I'd seen in my usually thick hair. Going to see a trichologist means you can get to the root cause of your hair concerns, and receive a tailored treatment plan to deliver you results. This might involve prescription medication, a nutritional plan, hair care products, or a mix of them all for a holistic 360-degree treatment.

I've since pointed friends who are experiencing hair issues in the direction of a trichologist. However, it would be remiss of me to not acknowledge that seeing a trichologist isn't always possible for everyone's budget or location. So, I decided to ask fellow beauty journalists about their hair growth journeys and share the best hair growth products that really worked for them.

The Best Hair-Growth Products, as Tested by Editors

Suzanne Scott, Beauty, Health & Lifestyle Journalist


(Image credit: @suzanne_m_scott)

"Stress, traction, whatever the reason, my hair has been thinning more than I would like over the last few years. I’ve tried various things in the past to promote hair growth but can’t say I really saw any success. Then last year I started to take things a little more seriously. I started taking two Viviscal supplements a day and applying Philip Kingsley Density Preserving Scalp Drops to my scalp every morning. Viviscal was first recommended to me by the incredible stylist, Adam Reed, who told me that he sees good results when his clients take it, and Philip Kingsley is a brand that I have loved and trusted for a long time. 

"After a few months of using both religiously, I noticed a burst of short hair around my hairline and flew into a panic, thinking my hair was breaking. Luckily, I had a blowdry booked later that day and my stylist told me what I thought was breakage was actually new hair. Sure enough, the patches near my temples that had been getting progressively more sparse, had a new layer of thatch and the growth has continued, albeit slowly, since. 

"Targeting my thinning both topically and internally—along with wearing my hair down more—has undoubtedly made a difference to the density of my hair but the most important thing, I think, is consistency. New hair growth requires consistent treatment and commitment, the results are slowly coming but so, so worth it."

1. Viviscal Maximum Strength Supplements

2. Philip Kingsley Density Preserving Scalp Drops

Rebecca Rhys-Evans, Who What Wear Branded Content Editor


(Image credit: @rebeccarhysevans)

"I started taking Gold Collagen's Pure Plus liquid collagen drinks for a story around two months ago, and although I started seeing results to my skin in around a month, it was my hair that I saw the most dramatic effects. After around two weeks it felt thicker (you know when you're tying it in a ponytail and it just feels thicker?!) and after four, people started commenting daily that my hair had some additional inches. My mum even accused me of having hair extensions! I'm getting married this year and on a mission to get my hair as long as possible, I'm an avid bleacher too which doesn't help, so to boost the overall health and give me the length my wedding dress deserves, I'm going to start taking the Hairlift supplements next month. Stay tuned!"

3. Gold Collagen Pure Plus

Zeynab Mohamed, Freelance Beauty Journalist


(Image credit: @zeynabmohamed_)

"My hair is stubborn when it comes to hair growth and the best thing I’ve done for my hair is visit a trichologist. I booked an appointment with Hannah Gaboardi, a trichologist based in London, and she informed me that my hair growth is impacted by a myriad of factors from hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, genetics, stress and age. She was able to give me a 360-review on what was happening with my hair and the products I needed. I know, we’ve all heard of Mielle Rosemary Mint Oil—but it works. I am on my fourth bottle, and my hair is definitely growing.

"As much as hair growth is about those inches, it’s also crucial to be protecting your hair from breakage, so I always sleep with a silk or satin pillowcase (I use the Kitsch one), and I have installed Hello Kleen's shower filter, which has been incredible for my hair and maintaining length—my hair is breaking significantly less than before. Plus my weekly deep conditioning treatment with the Mielle Mint Deep Hair Mask and Bleach London Reincarnation Mask to keep my hair hydrated and strong."

4. Mielle Rosemary Mint Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil 

5. Kitsch Satin Pillowcase

6. Bleach London Reincarnation Mask

Dionne Brighton, Freelance Beauty Journalist


(Image credit: @dionnebrighton)

"I started using the Vegamour GRO Hair Serum alongside its shampoo and conditioner when I first started noticing my hair thinning around my hairline. My hairstylist let me know it was probably something hormonal or stress-related, and to be honest, they told me not much would help it. But I'd heard through the grapevine (aka TikTok) the benefits of a scalp massage. It's supposed to increase blood circulation, and therefore hair growth, so I thought I’d give it a try.

"At first, washing my hair with the scalp massager became the at-home spa experience I didn't know I needed, but I can now no longer live without it. I used the serum on dry hair every other day and it wasn't until a few weeks later I started noticing new hairs growing where I originally saw thinning. I couldn't quite believe it. The only downside is the shampoo and conditioner are definitely on the more expensive side; and after trying the shampoo, serum and scalp massager all at once, it's hard to pinpoint exactly which one magically made these hairs appear. 

"If I could only recommend one hair growth product, it would be the scalp massager for its added relaxing benefits but would have to make it two and add the serum to the basket too. Because the hair growth serum can be used on dry hair every day it works on hair growth a lot quicker and it feels good to know I'm doing something for my scalp health every morning."

7. Vegamour Gro Hair Serum

8. Vegamour Gro Revitalizing Shampoo

9. Vegamour Gro Revitalizing Conditioner

10. Vegamour Gro Revitalizing Scalp Massager

Eleanor Vousden, Who What Wear UK Beauty Editor


(Image credit: @eleanorvousden)

As for myself, I'm usually very sceptical about any product that promises hair growth or thicker follicles. But, there are a handful of products I've tried in my years as a beauty journalist. The first are Hair Gain Hair Gummies, which I tried last year. Not only are they a delicious treat to take twice a day, but, I really noticed a lot of new hair growth after a couple of months of taking these. More recently, however, I visited the Philip Kingsley clinic for a trichologist consolation after noticing my hair had become finer around my temples. After a blood test, I was told I was deficient in stored iron and vitamin D, so I started taking targeted supplements for these and also upped my hair and scalp care routine with home care products that my trichologist recommended. Philip Kingsley's Elasticiser and Itchy/Flaky Shampoo have been game-changers, restoring balance to my scalp and bounce and hydration to my lengths.

11. Hair Gain Hair Gummies

12. Philip Kingsley Flaky/Itchy Scalp Shampoo

13. Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Hair Treatment

Aleesha Badkar, My Imperfect Life Deputy Editor


(Image credit: @aleeshabadkar)

"I count myself lucky to have quite thick and relatively strong natural hair that does generally grow at a good rate. However, after starting to get my hair coloured a few years ago, it did turn slightly dry and I found that it wasn't as shiny as it was before and didn't grow quite as fast as it used to.

"I gave the Hair Gain Hair Capsules a try and, while it wasn't a full-on transformation, they definitely did help to inject a bit of life back into my hair. I found that my hair strands were less dry and brittle and after using them for a few months, I noticed that not only did I experience less breakage, but my hair growth rate was also back to what it used to be—if ever so slightly faster. There was also more of a shine to my hair, leaving it with an overall more healthy appearance."

14. Hair Gain Grow Capsules

Becki Murray, Beauty Editor and Cosmetic Science Journalist


(Image credit: @beckimurray_)

"I’ve always been emotionally attached to my long hair, so when it snapped off on my pillow, after years of overzealous bleaching, I was devastated. Luckily, on the recommendation of my former beauty boss, Philip Kingsley’s Elasticizer became my weekly comfort blanket. It’s still the product my twin sister steals off me the most. By deeply moisturising my sorry-looking ends, this delightfully rich mask helped me win the fight against further breakage and eradicated that stringy feeling damaged hair gets when wet. As my tangle-prone tresses slowly crept back past my shoulders, I also switched to a gentler Manta Brush on the recommendation of leading hair stylist Adam Reed, which meant I was no longer horrified by the number of hairs coming out when I brushed. The final flourish was a good supplement that I actually enjoyed taking. Forget pills, I credit the science-backed combination of biotin, selenium, zinc and copper in Perfectil’s Hair Crush gummies for my hair being swishable once more.”

15. Virtue Manta Hair Brush

16. Perfectil Haircrush Vegan Gummies

Sophie Cookson, Who What Wear UK Insights Manager


(Image credit: @sophie_cookson)

"A month before the pandemic began, I was offered too many wines at the hairdresser's, resulting in the shortest bob I have ever had. Instant regret took over as I looked in the mirror. It became my mission to grow my hair as long as I can. My friends recommended The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Hair Serum and it didn't disappoint. It became my routine to slather it on my hair every night whilst in lockdown at my parents' house. (I didn't need that much but I was desperate for growth.) By the time the restriction had lifted, it was definitely longer, and I have some thinner hair at my temples which I thought looked denser. I stopped using it after six months as my hair had grown out."

17. The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Hair Serum

Up Next, Worried About Hair Loss? These Are the Products That Are Always Recommended

Explore More:
Eleanor Vousden
Beauty Editor, Who What Wear UK

Eleanor Vousden is the beauty editor for Who What Wear UK. She was previously deputy editor at Hairdressers Journal, health writer at Woman & Home and junior beauty editor at Powder. She has also contributed to Wallpaper and Elle Collections.With a degree in fashion journalism from the London College of Fashion, she has 10 years of industry experience and has been highly commended at the BSME Talent Awards for her work on Powder and also contributed to the title winning Website of the Year at the PPA Awards.Eleanor’s journalistic focus is providing readers with honest and helpful beauty content. She has interviewed celebrity makeup artists, hairstylists and dermatologists throughout her career, as well as celebrities such as Hailey Bieber, Sarah Jessica Parker and Scarlett Johansson.