Trader Joe's Can't Keep This Popular Health Food in Stock

The fact that cauliflower rice is everywhere these days is a testament to its versatility, if not to an ever-growing demand for low-carb alternatives. (Remember the great zoodle craze of recent years?) Whether you enthusiastically subscribe to the Paleo lifestyle or would simply like to lighten up a favorite meal, "riced" cauliflower is a tasty and surprisingly satisfying alternative. And as the internet continues to spew innovative recipes (pizza crust, sushi, rice pudding—yes, seriously!), its popularity only seems to surge. It's even an option at one of my favorite lunch places, which offers cauliflower rice as an alternative base for its popular grain bowl. (This is in wellness-obsessed Los Angeles but still.)
But people who are as unapologetically lazy as I am can attest that while "ricing" a head of cauliflower at home isn't a particularly involved task on paper—you simply chop the cauliflower head up, throw it in a food processor, and pulse it a few times—it does involve dirtying up dishes and a moderate amount of effort. So when Trader Joe's began selling prepackaged cauliflower rice several months ago, it immediately became a best seller, as certain niche items at TJ's are wont to do.
Now, it's apparently too popular. Well + Good reports that due to vast demand, Trader Joe's is capping sales at two bags of cauliflower rice per customer at select locations. The good news is that for the time being, the limit only seems to be by day—so if you're cooking with cauliflower rice for every meal at this point, you can always just get some more tomorrow. Still, policing our cauliflower rice consumption has to be peak wellness, right?
On the other hand, you might take this news as your cue to mix things up a little. Check out some more wildly popular low-carb recipes, and see what happened when one editor gave up refined grains (and sugar!) for 30 days.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.