Everyone Is Shopping for This Instead of Jeans Right Now

Like choosing between cake and ice cream or naming a favorite Spice Girl, when forced to pick leggings or jeans, it feels almost sacrilegious. But while both remain ever popular, this fall marks a new era in what we want to wear. According to a recent study, in the past three months, online orders for leggings have surpassed those of skinnies. Whether it's for working out or just playing it cool, leggings have become a wardrobe must.

Don't write off denim just yet, though; both styles have increasing sales, and women actually tend to spend more on jeans (around $62) than they do on leggings (about half of that). The study also noted that depending on location, there were differences: The West and South tended to favor jeans while leggings won out in the Midwest and Northeast. Still, when it all comes down to it, it's leggings the reign supreme for 2016!

Read on to shop leggings now.

Aemilia Madden