Editor's Letter: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

This month, we're opening up the floor to all your burning questions about intimacy and reproductive health. Hallmark holidays aside (we see you, cupid), we want you to feel more empowered in your body than ever, and that means challenging any tired taboos that continue to stand in your way.
The good news? There's never been a better time to talk about it and not just because Valentine's Day is fast approaching. From my POV, sexual health is one of the most exciting markets in wellness right now, as startups are clamoring to disrupt an industry that was, until very recently, incredibly clinical and shrouded in unnecessary mystique. Just five years ago, organic tampons seemed like a novel concept. Now, brands like Hers, Sustain, and Thinx are making reproductive health downright cool.
In addition to chatting with some of the masterminds behind these companies, we'll be tackling everything you need to make sure your sexual wellness is in tip-top shape, from the latest on birth control and the best natural lubes to dealing with sex-related anxiety. And to make sure that no question goes unanswered, we'll also be hosting experts on Instagram all month long.
Here's to feeling really, really good.
Victoria Hoff, managing editor
Have any topics you'd like for us to cover this month? Shoot me a DM on Instagram at @victoriadawsonhoff.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.