15 Things We Totally Still Believe From Sex and the City

Does Sex and the City ever get old? We're willing to go out on a limb and say that no matter how many years pass, and no matter how much times may change, the female-centric show depicting the sartorial and romantic dramas of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte never ceases to be entertaining—and shockingly relevant.
Even though the official finale of the beloved HBO show aired in 2004, there's still nothing we find more comforting than curling up with an episode of the show (typically selected at random) and a glass of wine. Something about it still speaks to the core of who we are as fashion-forward women, and so many of the lessons we initially learned from the show still ring true for us today.
Keep scrolling for 15 Sex and the City lessons we still believe to this day!
One of the best Sex and the City episodes of all time is season six, episode 83: "A Woman's Right to Shoes." Carrie attends the baby shower of an old friend of hers, at which someone makes off with her beloved Manolo Blahnik sandals. When Carrie asks her friend to reimburse her for the shoes, to the tune of $485, she mocks Carrie for placing so much importance on a material possession. She decides to "register" herself at a Manolo Blahnik store, forcing her friend to replace them by proxy.
When Carrie pays a visit to the Vogue fashion closet in season four, she finds a pair of Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes on the shelf and proceeds to flip out over them, declaring them an "urban shoe myth."
When Carrie's beloved Mac computer suddenly deletes all her files, she takes it into the laptop doctor wrapped in a pashmina scarf. Enough said.
Carrie and her then-beau, Aleksandr Petrovsky, pay a visit to McDonald's after a date at the ballet—an occasion that truly calls for the pretty Oscar de la Renta dress she was wearing.
If Kim Cattrall's character Samantha Jones taught us anything at all, it's that you can (and will) look amazing after 50.
In season two, Carrie comes upon the sudden realization that there are actually only two types of women in the world: the simple girls and the Katie girls (inspired by the iconic Robert Redford movie The Way We Were). Carrie decides she is a Katie girl, too complicated and unruly for her off-again love Mr. Big to handle.
In season six, Carrie is torn between her budding love with Petrovsky and her longtime adoration for Mr. Big. She flies the coop, taking a trip to Paris with Petrovsky to try to parse out her feelings for both men. (Lucky girl!)
At the end of the series, Carrie concludes that she is finally okay with not getting everything she wants in the moment she wants it. (Of course, we can assume this conclusion does not exactly apply to her enviable shoe collection.)
If there's one cocktail that truly embodies the spirit of Sex and the City, of course it's the cosmopolitan. The fruity, vodka-based martini saw a sizeable surge in popularity when the show's four main female characters took a long-standing liking to the drink.
Stanford, Carrie's closest gay friend, plays a very important role in her life (and in the show). A constant source of comedic relief, he helps lighten the mood when Carrie's neuroses start to take too much space center stage.
This one speaks for itself.
Following her breakup from fiancé Aidan, Carrie faces a major financial meltdown when she realizes she essentially owns no liquid assets. She attempts to get a loan from the bank to buy back her apartment from Aidan, but she is denied, at which point she exclaims, "I've spent $40,000 on shoes but I have no place to live?! I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes."
After a blind date stands Miranda up, she learns that the reason for his absence is that he died suddenly while working out at the gym. "See," Carrie says, "this is why I avoid the gym at all costs. Shopping is my cardio."
Carrie never met an ultra-high heel she didn't like.
When Berger breaks up with Carrie over a Post-It note, the girlfriends make it their mission enmake sure he gets what's coming to him. Bradshaw notes that when a man breaks up with a girl in such a manner, he's basically declaring war on not just the ex-flame but also her entire group of friends.
What's YOUR favorite Sex and the City moment ever? Tell us in the comments below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.