The Major Reason Reformation Is About to Get Bigger Than Ever

It might seem like it's been around forever, but Reformation is actually a relatively young label. And until now, the wildly successful brand has been largely self-funded, but Fashionista reports that Reformation just raised $12 million from outside investors.
That's a lot of money, obviously, but what's perhaps even more interesting is who's making the investment: Theory's Andrew Rosen, editor and street style star Miroslava Duma, and model Karlie Kloss. The money will be used, according to Fashionista, for various improvements and expansions company-wide: building more stores, expanding manufacturing capabilities, and investing in technical systems that will improve customer service—?like being able to return purchases you made online in-store.
The company's revenue for 2014 shot north of $25 million, so we can only continue to expect big things and major growth for the brand beloved by so many women. What do you think of Reformation's news? Tell us in the comments below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.