Turns Out This Is Considered the Most Attractive Body Type
There's no doubt that attraction comes down to personal preference, and the notion of a "perfect" body type probably isn't realistic. But according to The Telegraph, science suggests there are a number of traits that are seen as universally positive.
It's not as far-fetched as it sounds: A new study confirms that human biology actually plays a pretty big role in attraction. Swiss scientists have found that we're hardwired to see certain evolutionary traits, such as your ability to bear children based on the size of your hips, as more desirable than others. We know there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the laws of attraction, but at a base evolutionary level, these are some of the subtle nuances that count.
Think you have a type? These are the universal traits science says you're probably attracted to:
Body shape: Apparently, we quickly sum up a potential partner based on evolutionary traits like their ability to bear children. Women with a waist-to-hips ratio of 7:10 are considered the most attractive while men with a ratio of 9:10 and a big jaw are seen as ideal.
Hair colour: A 2011 study published in The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology found that brunettes are generally seen to be more attractive but that blonde hair signifies youth and vitality, which can be subconsciously taken into account when trying to find an S.O.
Finger length: Intriguingly, studies suggest the longer the ring finger is in comparison with the index finger, the more testosterone is present.
Up next, the body-shape calculator that is so genius to use.