Best Wardrobes in Britain: Lindsey Isla

Welcome to the latest, highly exciting instalment of Who What Wear UK's Best Wardrobes in Britain. It's where we do exactly what it says on the tin: delve into the most fantastical, awe-inspiring and downright influential wardrobes. We're honing in on the women who cause the street style photographers to press their shutters as well as the characters you don't yet know—the ones who fly under the radar with secretly incredible clothing collections.
What I love the most about our Best Wardrobes in Britain franchise is seeing how someone’s personal style can be reflected throughout their home, and content creator Lindsey Isla’s colourful approach to getting dressed certainly extends to every single corner of her house. Stepping into her terrace in Margate is like entering a fantastical doll’s house—it's a real-life TikTok set with a bright-green staircase, candy cane walls and sugary-pink floorboards.
She has painted every room in bright pastel colours but has no clutter, and so despite the acid-hued rainbow aesthetic, it feels really minimal and restful. This much colour might sound like it would be headache-inducing, but everything is so curated and considered that it flows seamlessly. As you’d guess from the colour of her walls, this is someone who likes to live surrounded by colour—if #dopaminedressing were a person, it would be Isla. She has a ’60s pop aesthetic that perfectly matches the house. She wears exaggerated silhouettes and bold, graphic prints but then counters these with big chunky shoes and strong eyeliner, which gives everything a ’60s edge. Seeing her standing against her icy blue walls in a giant pink babydoll dress and platform loafers is like being transported to a high-octane pop music video. Keep scrolling to step inside her pastel-themed world.
On Isla: Sister Jane dress; ASOS shoes
Have you always been interested in fashion?
When I was younger, I didn’t want to wear dresses at all, and I was made to but wore cycling shorts underneath them. When I got to senior school, I knew I wanted to look different than everyone else—but I think I took that a bit far when I was a teenager. I was trying too hard to experiment. I was really emo, and you know the double belts? I wore double studded belts and cut-up clothes but did a really bad job of it. Since then, I feel like I’ve only found my personal style quite recently. I would say when I was 28 or 29, I think, so only a couple of years ago. I tried the whole really vintage thing, ’70s and a lot of flares! But it felt a bit costume. In the last couple of years, I got more into pastel colours, and I didn’t wear black anymore, and it just feels more like me now. It was trial and error. I really like colour combinations, and I love it when I see two colours together that work, and it makes me feel excited and happy.
On Isla: Zara trousers; House of Sunny Jacket and Topshop shoes
It can take confidence to wear a lot of colour. Did you just throw yourself into it?
I definitely just threw myself into it, but in the past, there have been times when I felt self-conscious. The other night, I wore a white Sister Jane dress, and I thought, Am I going to a wedding? Should I wear it? But then I thought, Who cares? I’m going to. I love it! Confidence comes with age, really. What is the worst someone is going to say? Or what is that going to do to you? For everyone who doesn’t like it, there will be someone who does.
What tips do you have for wearing colour that you personally follow?
Go for colours you love seeing together. I find that pink is a neutral colour, so it’s really good to match with any other colour. I can’t think of one colour it doesn’t go with! If you are stuck, go for pink and another colour, and that’s a great start. As for combinations, pink and green is a good one, and I love pink and red. Lilac and green is really nice, and lilac is another colour that mixes well.
Have you always taken pictures of your style, or is that a recent thing?
I started doing social media for my boyfriend George because he is a singer-songwriter, so he needed images. I always was obsessed with Instagram and Youtube, but I hated being in front of the camera, but we slowly started doing pictures for each other. I wanted to do it, but I didn’t have the confidence. Just realising that if you go for it, it’s better than if you don’t in front of the camera. When someone takes a picture of you and the photo isn't that great, and you can think, Oh, that is what you look like—but it’s not a reflection of anything, really. There are photos where you look really good and really bad, and neither of those is actual reality. Once I realised that, I just don’t really care anymore. It's just learning like any job what angles or what outfits look best. I’ve learned that as I’ve gone along.
On Isla: Sleeper set; & Other Stories shoes; Accessorize headband
What were you doing before you became an influencer?
I have done everything! I did PR, hairdressing, dog walking and house sitting! I used to dog-walk when I started Instagramming, and I’d take pictures in the street with all my dogs. But it was just so flexible!
How would you describe your style?
It is very colourful, and I just like overdressing and dressing up in really big dresses. It’s not preppy or chic or anything like that. I get a lot of inspiration from Instagram and seeing other people. I love Scandi style and think that is amazing, and that really inspires me. I’m usually more inspired by vintage and really ’60s images. Now it’s more of an accident than as thought-out as when I used to really copy ’70s vintage images.
On Isla: Olivia Rubin dress; Nasty Gal boots
Are there any pieces that are important to you or really sentimental in your wardrobe?
The Shrimps bag is a big one, as I wanted one for so long and found one at the sample sale. It was meant to be that I got it at a sample sale. I’m not a massively sentimental person—I don’t hold on to things with my house being so minimal. I do have a Burberry bag that my grandma gave to me, and that’s really sentimental. It doesn’t go well with my wardrobe, which is a shame, but it’s really special to hold on to.
You have a very curated, organised wardrobe. Are you mindful of keeping it to a tight edit?
I hate the thought of having more stuff than I can wear. The thought that things are in my wardrobe and not worn and loved, I really don’t like that. In a dream world, I’d love to have a capsule wardrobe, but there’s another side to me that really falls in love with pieces, so I’m torn between those two things.
Is it important to you to show your followers that you rewear your wardrobe?
I try to as much as I can. Not even the same outfits, but wearing things in different ways. I have got to a point where I am buying better, and I don’t just mean more expensive things. But I buy things I know I love, as I now know what suits me and I feel good in, so I stick with that and can ignore trends. I might buy a couple of new pieces, but I know I’ll wear them again and again.
What brands are your all-time favourites?
Sister Jane! They probably get sick of me saying it, but Sister Jane! & Other Stories and ASOS are just brilliant. I also love small independent brands like Olivia Rubin. What I love about Instagram is that you can message the brand owners, and you get a nice feeling off people, and you then want to support them. It feels really sentimental looking at the pieces and knowing the person or knowing they have messaged you. I just love that!
On Isla: Sister Jane dress; Office shoes
Shop Isla's Wardrobe
Thanks for having us, Lindsey!
Emma is a freelance fashion editor with over 15 years experience in industry, having worked at The Telegraph, Grazia and, most recently, British Vogue. Emma was part of the founding team of Who What Wear UK, where she worked for six years as Deputy Editor and then Editor—helping shape the team into what it is today is one of the biggest privileges of her career and she will always see herself as a Who What Wear girl, contributing to both the US and UK sites. Whether she's writing about runway trends or spotlighting emerging brands, she aims to write about fashion in a way that is democratic and doesn't promote over consumption.