KKW and Kourtney Kardashian Spill Details on Their Fitness and Diet Routines

People can say a lot of things about the Kardashian sisters, but you can't say they don't stay on top of their diet and fitness routines. The sisters are always trying something new. Recently Kim Kardashian West and Kourtney Kardashian filled people in on their apps. Kim revealed her latest tummy workout routine and Kourtney shared her diet.
In a post on Kim's app called "How I Get a Flat Stomach" her trainer, Melissa Alcantara, walks through Kim's latest fitness routine. "It's so important to work out your core!" Kim writes. "My trainer Melissa and I have been doing really intense ab workouts—and even though they're SO hard, I love the end result."
Here's the play-by-play from Alcantara.
1. Leg Lifts
"Grab a mat to lay down on for this exercise," writes Alcantara. "Once you're on your mat, you take your hands and put them under your butt and spread feet about hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Then you lift both of your legs up in the air and create a 90-degree angle before bringing your legs back down to the ground. But make sure your feet don't hit the ground as you bring your legs back up in the air." Alcantara recommends four sets of 20 reps for this exercise.
2. Plank Hold
"For this you will get into a push up position and make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders. You'll then hold this position for one minute, rest for 30 seconds and repeat," writes Alcantara. Alcantara suggests repeating this sequence until you get to four minutes of plank holds.
3. Ab Roller
"For this exercise, you will begin by kneeling on the floor with your ab roller in front of you, placing your knees on either side of the roller," writes Alcantara. "Then you'll slowly push the ab roller forward, stretching your body into a straight line. When you've gone as low as you can, roll back to the beginning position."
4. Kneeling Rope Crunches
"Using the rope on a cable fly machine, choose a starting weight that will challenge you (about 30 pounds, but adjust as needed)," Alcantara writes. "You will then get into a kneeling position, grab the rope with both of your hands, and place your thumbs on your temples. Keep your hands like this throughout the exercise. You'll then lower your head to the floor, lowering your butt but not letting it touch your heels. You'll then return to the beginning position. Do four sets of 30 reps for this exercise."
Alcantara recommends repeating your ab workout at least twice a week for the fastest results.
On Kourtney Kardashian's app, she shares her experience on the Ketosis diet.
"Keto diets are low in carbohydrates and high in protein and healthy fats," Kourtney writes. "Once I knew the ground rules, I was very strict and really stuck to it. I ate minimal carbs and no grains, beans, or legumes. Instead, I focused my meals on fresh vegetables and lean proteins."
Kourtney also goes into detail about the 24-hour fasting she's been doing. "Intermittent fasting is also a part of the keto diet," Kourtney writes. "For me, this meant not eating for 14 to 16 hours after dinner. I wouldn't eat past 7 p.m. at night and then I would wait to eat breakfast the next day until after my morning workout, which would be around 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Then, one day a week, I did a 24-hour fast where I only drank homemade bone broth, water, and green tea."
There you have it, folks. All the details are in one place if you're down to work out like Kim and eat like Kourtney.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.