July Horoscopes: Why It's Time to Lay Low Until July 22

This month, the sun moves from sensitive Cancer to expressive Leo. Cancer’s symbol is a crab, and like the animal, you might want to hide in the safety of your shell for the first half of the month. But when bold Leo season begins on July 22, it’s time to break out! It’s great energy for ditching summertime sadness and throwing a party that will show everyone—including you—a good time.
There’s a lot to love this month, but things kick off with love goddess Venus slipping into demure Virgo on July 9. She’ll make sure the details of your life are as beautiful as can be. The next day, lucky Jupiter direct in sultry Scorpio means temperatures will definitely be on the rise. If you’ve been delaying gratification on something, you’ll finally be rewarded for your patience! Things really heat up under the Cancer solar eclipse on July 12, when the stars align in a rare pattern that sets everyone up for success. Mark this day on your calendar because what happens will have a positive ripple effect over the next six months.
When Mercury retrograde begins on July 26, don’t sweat it too much. This time around, it’s happening in creative Leo, which means your artistic side could get a major boost for the next three weeks. As long as you keep ego out of your creative process, you’ll be just fine. Fortunately, a futuristic Aquarius lunar eclipse the following day helps you see how the work you’re putting in now will pay off months or even years down the line. By the time this month is over, you’ll have a much better idea of where you’re headed.
There’s a solar eclipse in your sign so unique and powerful that you might not even recognize yourself six months from now—and I mean that in the best way possible. On July 12, the stars are all aligned to help you evolve into a new, better version of you, whatever you envision that to be, so make the most of this energy. The sun into your value sector on July 22 means this is a golden opportunity that’s sure to pay off, but Mercury retrograde in the same part of your star chart on July 26 says you’ll have to work slow and steady to achieve your goal. Stick with it, especially under the Aquarius lunar eclipse in your secretive eighth house on July 27. Put in work behind the scenes now, and wow the world with your overnight transformation next month.
Your power product: Lemon. Witches use it in spells to make a clean break with the past, which you’ll definitely be doing under the eclipse in your sign. Plus, what’s summer without lemonade?
No matter how much you love the spotlight, you know it takes a lot of rehearsal to pull off an amazing performance. Under the Cancer solar eclipse in your private twelfth house, what you do behind the scenes ripples outward for months to come. Work with a counselor, healer, or guru yields amazing results now. You’ll be practically glowing by the time the sun enters your sign on July 22, but with Mercury retrograde in your sign from July 26 too, don’t expect everyone to understand your newfound radiance. Luckily, a detached Aquarius lunar eclipse the next day illuminates who’s really on your side. After this, you can be sure that the people in your life now are the ones you’re meant to be with.
Your power product: Turmeric. It’s been shown to reduce inflammation, which aligns perfectly with your month’s healing vibes.
When seductive Venus slides into your sign on July 9, go ahead and flirt. You’ll have the goddess of love on your side for the next month, which is great for both relationships and art. Make sure to write down any juicy ideas that cross your mind now. Even better, Cancer solar eclipse in your group’s sector on July 12 places you in just the right social circles. You’ve assembled your crew, and now it’s time to get to work. Once the sun moves into your spirituality sector on July 22, let your dreams and intuition be your guide. Mercury retrograde in the same part of your star chart on July 26 enhances the mystical effect, but you might have to do some journaling or research to figure out what it all means. Luckily, a clear-minded Aquarius lunar eclipse in your daily work sector on July 27 shows you which of your habits could use an upgrade.
Your power product: Raw honey. You’ll definitely be enjoying a sweet month, especially once Venus enters your sign on July 9.
With Venus into your dreamy twelfth house on July 9, fantasies about a crush could become reality faster than you think. This is also great energy for some much-needed self-love, so don’t be afraid to pamper yourself in the name of rest and relaxation. The most important day this month is July 12 when a powerful solar eclipse in your career zone opens up a professional road for you that’s better than you could have imagined. The sun into your social sector on July 22 means that you’ll have plenty of friends and mentors to guide you down this new path, but with Mercury retrograde in the same area of your horoscope on July 26, you’ll also have a few haters to contend with. Fortunately, an Aquarius lunar eclipse in your romance zone the next day will be a very pleasant distraction.
Your power product: Smoky quartz. This crystal is amazing for setting strong boundaries. You’re going to need them once Mercury retrograde starts.
With lucky Jupiter retrograde in your sign for the last four months, you’ve been working hard behind the scenes—which is just the way you like it. But when Jupiter turns direct on July 10, it’s time for you to show off. Don’t be afraid to steal the spotlight, especially when the superpowered Cancer solar eclipse pushes you out of your comfort zone and into an ambitious new media, publishing, or travel-related project. The sun into your professional sector on July 22 means you’ll have plenty of golden opportunities at work, but with Mercury retrograde in the same area of your horoscope on July 26, you’ll have the most success if you think outside the box. Fortunately, a visionary Aquarius lunar eclipse the following day helps you get out of your own way and really feel like you deserve your success.
Your power product: Fluorite. Use this gorgeous stone to block out distractions and stay focused on your long-term goals under the Aquarius eclipse.
With lucky Jupiter in your spirituality house for the last four months, you’ve been slowing down, listening to your gut, and checking in with your intuition before making moves—but once Jupiter turns direct again on Jul 10, all that patience you’ve been building starts to pay off. You’ll get the first glimpse of this under the potent Cancer solar eclipse in your investment sector on July 12 when your powers of attraction bring you something you’ve been lusting after for a long time. The sun into your expansion sector on July 22 means you shine when you push yourself, especially on media, publishing, and academic projects. Mercury retrograde in the same area of your chart on July 26 challenges you to see things from a new perspective, and a futuristic Aquarius lunar eclipse in your communication sector helps you express your long-term goals with eloquence to the community that can make them happen.
Your power product: A kimono. Wear it to relax when Jupiter goes direct, and use it to elevate your look once the sun moves into Leo on July 22.
As the zodiac’s realist, you tend toward skepticism and generally have trouble trusting other people. Fortunately, it’s safe to open up this month. Under a heartwarming Cancer solar eclipse on July 12, you get a brand-new start with someone you love that unfolds slowly throughout the rest of 2018. This can also apply to a business partnership or close friendship too. The sun into your intimate eighth house continues to strengthen that bond over the next 30 days, but Mercury retrograde in the same area of your star chart from July 26 means you’ll have to rethink a few things. Take the next three weeks as an opportunity to clear up any fuzzy boundaries. On the material front, an Aquarius lunar eclipse on July 27 delivers a coveted money milestone that sets you up for future success.
Your power product: Basil. It’s associated with wealth, which you’ll be growing now. Incorporate it into a cool Caprese salad on one of this month’s hot days.
If you’ve been feeling a little burned out, the soft, gentle Cancer solar eclipse in your health and habits zone gives you the TLC you sorely need. There’s nothing wrong with striving, but take some time out of your daily work schedule to rest, recharge, and remind yourself that you are loved. The sun into your partnership zone on July 22 means you’ll have plenty of support to help prop you up this month, but thanks to Mercury retrograde in Leo, it’ll require some compromise. Luckily, a lunar eclipse in your sign on July 27 illuminates the areas where you’ll have to stand up for yourself—and ones where you can give a little too.
Your power product: Neroli. This fresh, sultry scent is the ideal summer fragrance. It’s associated with love, so wear it when the sun moves into your relationship zone on July 22.
When lucky Jupiter turns direct in your expansion zone on July 10, ambition pays off. Don’t be afraid to take on lofty new projects or things that are slightly outside your comfort zone, because they’re sure to prove valuable learning experiences over time. Even better, a powerful Cancer solar eclipse in your pleasure zone on July 12 means whatever you do now is going to be fun. Over the next few months, the universe reminds you that getting your work done and enjoying yourself aren’t mutually exclusive. Even better, you’ll look radiant once the sun enters your health and habits zone on July 22. Mercury retrograde in the same part of your horoscope on July 26 says you’ll feel even better with a few tweaks to your nutrition, skincare, and exercise regimens. Finally, a visionary Aquarius lunar eclipse in your spirituality zone on July 27 reminds you that healing happens from the inside out.
Your power product: Vanilla. Adding a whiff of this cozy, delicious fragrance to your beauty routine makes the grind of Mercury retrograde in your habits zone a lot more exciting.
Under the magical Cancer solar eclipse in your emotions sector, listen to your heart. It’s trying to tell you something so important that it could alter the course of your year or even the next few years. Pay attention to what’s tugging on your heartstrings, especially when the sun enters romantic Leo on July 22. Your crushes and creative inspirations are all conspiring to reveal a big secret to you, especially once Mercury retrograde in Leo begins on July 26. It might take you a while to follow all the clues to the final destination, but a clear-minded Aquarius lunar eclipse in your friendship zone sends a companion to help you out along the way.
Your power product: Selenite. Use this smooth, clear crystal it focus your intentions under the Aquarius lunar eclipse.
Feeling more flirtatious than usual? Venus into your romantic fifth house on July 9 inspires you to turn on the charm to woo someone or something you’ve had your eye on. The Cancer solar eclipse in your communication sector on July 12 helps you open up more than you have in a while, whether it’s through a piece of art you’ve worked hard on or a conversation that’s been a long time coming. Whatever it is, this is going to be a major turning point for the way you express yourself over the next couple months. The sun into your emotions zone on July 22 shines a bright spotlight on your feelings, and Mercury retrograde in the same area of your horoscope on July 26 helps you process them. By the time the Aquarius lunar eclipse lights up your career sector with a shining opportunity, you’ll be ready to take it without any baggage holding you back.
Your power product: Ginger. It’s amazing for digestion, and you’ll have a lot to process when Mercury retrograde starts on July 26.
As an air sign, you’re way more comfortable with thoughts and ideas than material reality. Luckily, a superpowered Cancer solar eclipse in your value sector on July 12 is about to change all that. This moon gives your self-worth a huge boost that propels you to make more money and even bigger moves for the next six months. The sun into your communication zone on July 22 helps you ask for what you want, no matter how brash it might feel, but Mercury retrograde in the same part of your horoscope on July 26 means you might be met with some resistance. Stand your ground, especially when the Aquarius lunar eclipse on July 27 pushes the edges of your comfort zone. If you can make it through this, you’ll emerge the winner in a huge way.
Your power product: A jade roller. Use it to add radiance and a dash of luxury to your skincare routine under the Cancer eclipse.
Next up: Is life better when you dress for your zodiac sign? We put one editor to the test.
This story was originally published on MyDomaine.com.
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman. I love reading biographies of powerful women.
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