This Is What Giving Up Dairy Will Do for Your Body

As summer approaches and I begin looking to shed my winter weight gain (it’s not so much, but I’d be happy to lose it), I’m starting to think more about healthy choices. I did a little googling, because of course, and came across Khloé Kardashian—that girl looks incredible—and her decision to give up dairy.
“I’m obsessed with cheese and milk, but eliminating them from my diet made the biggest difference,” she told PopSugar. “In a month and a half, I lost 11 pounds just from not eating dairy without doing anything else different, and that totally blew my mind.”
Seriously, that’s mind-blowing. And I love cheese and milk too, Khlo. But is dairy bad for you? Perhaps I could take one for the team (the team being my body) and forgo the milk in my coffee and the wedges of cheese I can’t help but order for a month. It’s for the greater good, after all. Before making such a drastic change, I decided to discuss it with Brooke Alpert, nutritionist and author of The Sugar Detox.
Will Cutting Dairy Cause Rapid Weight Loss?
“Eliminating dairy can help with weight loss, if you are not overeating other things to compensate for removing this food group. If the rest of your diet stays the same, you will definitely drop some of those last stubborn pounds because you are eating less sugar (yes, dairy contains sugar) and calories than you’re used to.
“A lot of people find that when they give up or cut down on dairy, they feel less bloated. Even if you are not lactose intolerant, dairy can sometimes contribute to bloat, gas, and abdominal distention, which no one wants, especially leading up to summer! Additionally, limiting your dairy intake can improve your skin, helping it stay clearer with fewer breakouts.
“I never recommend removing an entire food group from someone’s diet unless they have a medical reason for it, so no, removing dairy is not the best way to lose weight. However, a good way to keep dairy in your life and lose weight is to limit your portions to only twice a day. So that would be a six-ounce serving of Greek yogurt, an ounce of cheese, or eight ounces of milk—no more than two times per day. This way you can still get your cheese fix while keeping your calories and sugar in check.”
How Does It Work?
“Dairy is not ‘bad for digestion’ overall; however, some people are sensitive to it and have a harder time breaking down the casein in the dairy (a type of milk protein). Bloating, gas, constipation, and inflammation occur when you’re unable to properly digest dairy.
“Sensitivity to casein is not the same thing as lactose intolerance, which is the inability to break down and digest the lactose (milk sugar). If you’re not sure if you fall into that group, “try eliminating all dairy products for two weeks and see if you notice any changes in your belly—less bloat, less constipation or cramps, or no change whatsoever. If there’s no change, reintroduce dairy and continue to enjoy up to two servings a day. If you notice your stomach has been feeling a lot better without dairy, continue to leave it out. But this is not about weight.
“If you’re someone who’s unable to digest dairy properly, that could take a toll on your skin, too, as your skin can reflect your diet just as much as your waistline does. If you’re sensitive to a food, you can break out more frequently. So in your at-home experiment, make sure you pay attention to how your skin is reacting.”
What, If Any, Dairy foods should I cut out?
“The dairy items you want to avoid are items that are nonfat and low-fat versions. The processing methods remove the healthy fat and add in sugar and sodium, making them more processed and less healthy than their full-fat counterparts. And when it comes to weight loss, you always want to avoid products with added sugar because that usually means added calories.”
“Fat does not make you fat; sugar is the real enemy,” Alpert put it simply. The added sugar gets quickly absorbed and stored in your body. Alpert recommends good fats like grass-fed butter, cheese, and whole grass-fed milk. “I’d much rather have a client having a full-fat plain flavored yogurt than eating a banana.”
In addition to having less sugar, full-fat products are more easily absorbed by your body. “When you eat a salad and don’t add any fat from avocado or olive oil, your body is not able to properly absorb specific vitamins. When you eat meals with some fat, you feel full and are less likely to overeat.”
“Plain Greek yogurt is a great dairy staple for your diet because it’s loaded in protein that’ll help you stay full and focused all day long, preventing over-snacking between meals. Other great options are whole milk and fresh cheese like feta and mozzarella.”
After our conversation, I realized I could give up dairy to lose a few lingering pounds, or I could just choose to be smarter with my choices. In the end, it’s up to you how you treat your body and what you feel like eating. For me, I’m going to lay off the ice cream sundaes and pizza for a while and see what happens. (I’ll let you know.)
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.