Why You Might Soon Be Following @Fashion on Instagram

Very interesting: Instagram just launched an official @Music account, which will highlight rising artists. And @Fashion might just be next. [Style.com]
Throwback: Way back in the day, Jennifer Lawrence was just a 14-year-old model starring in Abercrombie & Fitch ads. [Elle]
Womp: Those blessed enough to be attending the Met Gala tonight will have to contend with traffic from President Obama's Upper East Side visit. [Fashionista]
The hostess with the mostess: Want to be a better host? These easy tricks will guide you in the right direction. [MyDomaine]
Aw: Kris Jenner broke down in tears while discussing Bruce Jenner's transformation to a woman. [Today]
Not a fan of bronzer? Here are six bronzers just for you, haters. [Byrdie]
Happy Birthday, David! The Spice Girls had a little reunion to celebrate the soccer player's 40th birthday. [ET Online]
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.