3 Powerful Mantras to Inspire You This Month

What is a mantra? “Mantras are simple phrases that help point your moral compass north. They help to reset and remind yourself of your innate goodness. They gently bring positivity to the forefront of your mind,” Novak explains.
How do you incorporate them into your daily life? “I have a list of zen slogans from one of my favorite books Training in Compassion by Norman Fischer on my bathroom mirror. I point to one each day and work with it. It helps me keep my mindfulness practice digestible and focused each day.”
What are your favorite mantras at the moment?
"Don't poison yourself."
“This means all forms of toxins, especially self-centeredness. We know our own bad habits and how they negatively affect our lives. ‘Don’t poison yourself’ is a great little reminder when making small or large choices throughout your day to choose ones that serve your best self.”
"Don't be tricky."
“This is one of my FAVORITE mantras because it helps me catch myself when I slip into tendencies to manipulate or shift situations to avoid perceived pain.”
"Don't expect applause."
“Wow—doesn’t that one take your breath away? This mantra reminds me to do things for the greater good and not for the approval of others,” Novak says.
Do you have any mantras of your own that you’re working with? Please share them with our private Facebook community!
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.
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