So, Cher's Digital Clueless Wardrobe Just Became a Reality

"The best wardrobe planning platform."
It's been 22 years (!) since the iconic movie Clueless was released and it's hard to believe that it's taken this long to now have Cher's digitally organised wardrobe (every girl's dream). We have some exciting news, it's now a reality (and more), and Leandra Medine, plus Australian fashion director Christine Centenera, are already on board. Enter: Finery.
Here's everything you need to know:
First, it takes care of your shopping. You can say goodbye to multiple shopping carts and wishlists because the software will store your past purchases and all your wishlists for your future purchases in one place. It also tells you what you may have too much of or what you may need. Another handy organisational tool is that it syncs with your emails to keep shopping receipts, just in case you need to return or refund your purchases. Second, it organises all of your clothing. Everything that you currently own, plus the items you're thinking of purchasing. (It also goes as far as telling you if items on your wishlist will match what you currently own). Lastly, if everything already mentioned isn't already revolutionary, it also helps you style your wardrobe, offering styled looks or creating new ones suited for just you. Its brilliant technology syncs to your calendar for future events, your location, and even the weather.
Jump aboard before everyone else and discover more on the official website.
Opening image: Style Du Monde
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Who's your style icon?
Jenny Walton. She has a quirky, French, feminine style I adore. She mixes designer, vintage, high street really well and isn’t afraid of colour and print. My style board on Pinterest is full of street style images from her at fashion week events.
Who are your 5 favourite people to follow on Twitter/Instagram?
@unconditionalmagazine, @ilona_hamer, @thefatjewish, @glossier, @giorgiatordini
What's the fashion essential you can't live without?
My vintage red tartan jacket. It's timeless and bold. I love wearing it with a red matte lipstick.
What's your desert island album?
Any '70s playlist will do!