Making These Simple Changes Helped Me Get Into the Best Shape of My Life

It isn't the least bit shocking that I gained weight over the past few years. My "garbage" food intake was deplorable: frequent after-work drinks, excess snacking, going rogue on an entire box of Domino's pizza. And so, I'd reach a point where I deemed it time to cut back and hit the gym, which entered me into a vexing cycle. During such a period, I'd "extreme-diet" and decide to cut out all bread products and pasta for a week, which only gave me pounding headaches from carb flu and maybe moved the scale down a pound. I'd also start the week off at the gym running on the treadmill and doing a rotation of weight machines, but that momentum would quickly fizzle out, and I wouldn't set foot back in for weeks. My weight generally stayed the same, but my frustration swiftly rose.
The problem was my approach: I was cutting out carbs and logging miles because I'd heard other people had success with it or saw a thin celebrity on Instagram say they weren't eating bread. There was no science to back up my methods, only perceived notions. At long last, I decided to get serious and research tried-and-true methods for burning fat and gaining muscle. I became obsessed with following fitness influencers and reading articles from personal trainers and nutritionists about the most effective meal plans and diets. What I discovered repeatedly was that the key to toning up is actually simplicity: Eat clean and exercise consistently. No fad diets, no deprivation, no two-hour-long gym sessions, just maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Seriously.
For meals, I kept seeing the same recommended food groups: whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats like avocado and olive oil, and protein. Let's start with the grains: It turns out I was completely wrong about nixing carbs, as according to Michelle Hauser, MD, 40 to 60% of your diet should come from unprocessed, low-sodium, low-glycemic carbs (lentils, whole grains, quinoa, brown rice, low-sugar whole fruits like apples, and nutrient-dense vegetables like sweet potatoes), so carbs are not the enemy. Now on to vegetables: Non-starchy, fiber-rich veggies are your get-out-of-jail-free card and can be eaten practically with abandon. (Think of variations like cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, leafy greens, cauliflower, and broccoli.) Healthy fats derived from fish, nuts, seeds, and plants that are liquid at room temperature help you feel full. They're also amazing for your body and help curb heart disease and memory loss. Lastly, protein: Healthy sources of protein like lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts make you feel fuller longer and are essential for building muscle and repairing cells.
Now, for the foods you should cut back on: processed foods (cookies, cakes, chips, white flour), sugars, sodium, and alcohol. Foods high in these components aren't filling, leading to a high intake of calories to reach satiety, and if the excess sugar and fats from these foods are not being used for energy, it's then stored in the body as fat, thus tipping the scale. Also, be wary of foods with hidden sugars, like some fruits (mangoes, bananas), condiments, sauces, and fruity yogurt.
On to the workout: Another consistency in my findings was that HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is the absolute best fat-burning workout. In one particular study, 27 subjects were split into two groups—endurance training and HIIT—and took part in their separate training regimens for a series of weeks. At the end of the study, the HIIT group lost three times as much body fat as the endurance training group, even though they burned almost half as many calories. I started out doing self-led HIIT workouts at the gym after watching Kayla Itsines's videos and the like, but I'll admit that I hate the cardio component; it's just not my thing. Eventually, I found my way to barre and fell in love with it. Barre classes are crazy expensive in Manhattan, though, so instead of forking over my paycheck to a trendy studio, I queue up some YouTube videos and do them from my living room. I also love Pilates, so I'll grab my mat and get to work while following along on my screen. Here's the thing though: As much as I enjoy these workouts, I don't enjoy doing them for long, and I know if I force myself to work out for an hour or so at a time, I'll fall off the wagon again. So instead, I find videos that last no more than 30 to 45 minutes, work up a sweat, and stretch out.
After about six months of eating clean and doing 30 to 45 minutes of exercise four to five days a week, I'm currently in the best shape of my life. I'm able to see the outline of muscles I didn't even know existed, and the number on the scale has finally dipped and stayed down. Admittedly, I have my cheat days or busy weeks where I only work out once or twice, but eating well and committing to fitness has become so ingrained in my psyche that I yearn to get back on track after a bad week. Finally, being in shape isn't a short-standing period for me—it's become a lifestyle.
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Next up: The Best Workouts for Women in Their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s
This post has been updated by Sarah Yang.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.