How to Drink More Water and Trick Your Brain Into Liking It

Victoria Hoff
Our working theory is that there are two types of people in this world: Those who feel compelled to guzzle water all day long, and those who really have to force themselves to do so. If you fall into the latter camp, we feel you: We know the benefits of getting enough H2O on a daily basis, from glowing skin to better digestion to curbing cravings. But just knowing this doesn't make it any easier if you're just not that interested in constantly knocking back something so boring.
Our simple solution: Make it less boring. It might be as easy as adding a little flavor, or employing the help of your iPhone (are you really surprised that there's an app for that?). Speaking from our own H20 aversion, better hydration could just be a clever hack away. If you're having trouble sipping your recommended amount of water, read on for some tricks.
Make it pretty.
Ever notice how you're more motivated to hit the gym when you're wearing cute workout clothes, or more inclined to tackle emails when your workspace is decked with pretty details? For the visually inclined, this technique also works when it comes to water. Opt for a cute water bottle or chic pitcher to keep yourself excited about your H2O throughout the day. (The investment in a nice bottle is also good incentive.)
Related: Add (natural) flavor.
Make your own "spa water" by adding slices of fruit or herbs—a practice that also has the benefit of looking aesthetically pleasing. Try mint, lemon, watermelon, raspberries, thyme, and cucumber. If you're craving carbonation, consider a SodaStream or mineral waters like Perrier and Pellegrino.
Play a drinking game.
Did your co-worker make another terrible pun? Take a swig. Forgot to send out that email? Another gulp. It can even be as simple as vowing to drink one glass per hour. You make the rules—whatever will get you sipping.
Consider it an appetizer.
To curb your appetite and help you eat less, make a point to drink a glass of water before every meal. Oftentimes our bodies confuse hunger with thirst, and you may find yourself satisfied—or at least less ravenous—after sipping some H2O. Cheers to a slimming tactic that doesn't include cardio.
Think big.
While traditional wisdom suggests eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day, instructions are getting increasingly personalized, suggesting that each person should actually drink half their body weight in ounces of water daily. For example, a woman who weighs 150 pounds would require 75 ounces—or about two liters of water—per day. To avoid keeping tally of regular-size 16-ounce water bottles all day, opt for a liter jug, oversize carafe, or larger water bottle, like Klean Kanteen's cute 40-ounce version. Bonus? Fewer refills means less math, and a higher likelihood that you'll actually finish your prescribed amount of water.
Use your phone to keep track.
If tracking your water intake seems like too much effort, fret not—there are apps for that. Both Waterlogged for iPhone and Carbodroid for Droids follow your daily H2O progress and even send you friendly reminders to keep sipping!
This post was originally published at an earlier date and has been updated.
Next up: Five women get real about whether or not they weigh themselves.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.
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