Would You Nap in a Room Full of Strangers?

The benefits of solid slumber are well documented, but this sacred time is now transitioning from solo sport to communal pastime. Londoners are partaking in Napercise, a program designed to help boost people’s mental and physical well-being through 45-minute midafternoon sessions. Attendees relax on beds while instructors play soothing sounds and reduce the room temperature to help promote calorie burning during sleep.
Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., Recharj, a modern meditation and boutique power-nap studio, is offering guided meditations, sound baths, and classes like “Deep Rest” for the weary. Attendees lie on plush cushions, complete with blankets and eye masks, as guides help them to “reduce accumulated stress with this deep relaxation meditation practice. Giving attention and loving kindness to each part of our body as we lie down in deep rest. We offer our gratitude and awareness to each area of our body to release tension, support healing, and strengthen immune function.”
Around the globe in Sydney, Australia, The Indigo Project offers 30- and 45-minute Naptime classes that cost $12 per session. In what’s touted as “perfect for a little mid-work escape and reboot,” attendees chill out in a comfy space, get relaxed with a calming meditation, and then nap off their stress (or hangover).
We’re dying to know: Would you ever take a group nap class? Does the concept intrigue you? Let us know in our Facebook group!
This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.
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