Would You Ever Go Commando to Yoga? These Pants Let You

This week is a week of questioning on Who What Wear: We figured out why different shoe brands fit your feet so differently, discussed the merits of faux vs. real fur, and now, we're taking on whether or not you should wear underwear with your yoga pants. Yes, this is a real debate, and designer Julie Sygiel has a very clear answer: No!
Sygiel is the founder of Dear Kate, a lingerie line that recently also launched an entire line of yoga gear meant to do double duty as underwear. Each pair is designed to be worn sans underwear, and Sygiel claims they have all the design elements of your underwear, so you don't need to wear any.
"We're the first pair of yoga pants designed to be worn without underwear," Sygiel told Business Insider. "They have all the same protective aspects of our underwear, but they're built right into the pants. There are no underwear lines, so you don't have to worry about that. You literally just put the pants on, and you're ready to go."
The first shipment of Dear Kate yoga pants is expected to ship in November, and you can pre-order them here. So tell us: Would YOU (or do you) ever go to yoga class without wearing underwear? Sound off in the comments below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.