15 Celebrities Who Are Just SUPER-Excited for Spring

It may not really feel like it, but it's been spring for almost seven full days now. The never-ending winter continues to rear its ugly head in much of the country, but slowly, the frost is starting to break—and people are expressing their unbridled excitement on social media.
A quick scroll through our Instagram feed this week revealed plenty of flowers, picnics, beach trips, and other fun things the warmer temperatures afford us. To celebrate being able to actually do things outside for the first time in months, we found more than a few particularly inspiring photos.
Keep scrolling to see 15 celebrities, bloggers, and other tastemakers who are just super-excited for spring—and bringing us along with them!
"Dreamland @calistogaranchresort ?"
FOLLOW: emrata
"Tacos for lunch obviously ?? #TheBlondeSaladGoesToMexico"
FOLLOW: chiaraferragni
"Loving a bulb, let em live! x Stella"
FOLLOW: stellamccartney
"Otha half"
FOLLOW: sofiarichie
"you know you're in Miami when ??"
FOLLOW: weworewhat
FOLLOW: kendalljenner
"Celebrating my babe @rachelhilbert's birthday at @vspink's #PINKSPRINGBREAK
"Thong Song"
FOLLOW: chungalexa
"What a beautiful surprise! Thanks @thebouqs
"Thanks 4 the lovely flowers, @officialdelpozo
"SS Dobbs"
FOLLOW: harleyvnewton
"Remembering how precious every day is
"When that new Kendrick comes on:"
FOLLOW: taylorswift
Are YOU as excited for spring as all these ladies are? Share your hysteria in the comments below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.