23 Cookbooks You'll Actually Want on Your Coffee Table

Hey, you there. Yeah, I'm talking to you, the one who hates cooking. I get it: Looking for a recipe, finding the right ingredients, chopping up said ingredients and mixing them together seems like a whole load of faff when Deliveroo is merely a swipe away. But here's what no one tells you: Cooking can be really soothing—a sort of active mindfulness if you will. (I'd wager jigsaws have the same effect.) Like most people, since lockdown began, I've spent a lot more time in the kitchen. I'll spare you the list of meals I've cooked (although I have baked banana bread because of course I have), but I will say that having a good idea of what I'm going to cook for my evening meal has been a real joy.
And the easiest way to get inspiration for that evening's menu? Some great recipe books. Now, I don't own loads, but a few have been really helpful to give me ideas, even if I don't have all the ingredients to hand. There is, however, one stipulation I have for these tomes: They have to look great. Yes, I know how ridiculous this sounds, but as William Morris said: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
I basically want all my cookbooks to look as good as a high-fashion coffee table tome but still offer me ways to create delicious food. I know—I don't ask for much. The good news is there are plenty of books that cater to my tastes (I know!), so I've created an edit of the coolest-looking ones that you'll love cooking from and then displaying in your home. Keep scrolling for my edit, and hopefully by the time you finish, you'll be inspired.
Next up, the biggest spring/summer 2020 fashion trends you need to know.