29 Perfect Everyday Earrings You'll Never Swap Out

woman wearing earrings and bandana

(Image credit: @yoyokulala)

With the exception of some of the most proactive outfit planners and those who wear a uniform, we make a decision every single day about what we want to wear and how we want to present ourselves out in the world. Yes, we enjoy that, but it couldn't hurt to have one less decision to make. In this case, we've started with everyday earrings.

As much as we love a statement accessory, finding a simple, sleek design you can wear confidently with everything in your closet takes just a smidgen of the guesswork out of your daily routine. So we went hunting for the best ones available right now. They feature small bits of sparkle; unique shapes; and shades of silver, gold, and more that make each one feel special. The best part? If you want to put them on and never take them off, all the better. Keep scrolling to shop for the best everyday earrings.

This post was originally published at an earlier date and has since been updated.

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Gina Marinelli
Senior Editor

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